Walked through the horse barns at the local fair the other day.
Most horses —
and I was actually a little bit surprised by this — were in really good weight.
Many, more than half, had a mild "crease" down the center of the rump that showed they were certainly not malnourished. There was nothing I would call obese. No disgusting fat bubbles.
There were a few that were on the thin side of average. Nothing I'd go calling the police about. Overall health and attitude of the horse reflected alertness, maybe a little nervousness. The stress of a week away from home in a crowded barn with tie stalls and hundreds of kids and adults coming through at all hours is pretty rough on a horse that is pulled out of the pasture once a year for this.
There was one horse, however, I would have talked to the owner about if I'd been able to locate him or her. I had a few questions about this animal's condition:
Now, you don't really see any ribs. I don't consider whether or not you can see ribs a very good indication of whether or not a horse is in good condition, because just like an overweight woman can be apple shaped or pear shaped, an overweight horse might show ribs, and an underweight horse might not ... you have to look at more factors. High withers are also a fairly common conformation issue rather than a clear indicator of condition.
What gives me concern is the pronounced spine at the top of the rump and tailhead area. The rump of a horse in good weight is generally flat or somewhat convex from the spine to the point of hip. When you see a dip as shown, and a sharp slope away from the spine at the top of the rump, there is reason for concern. I don't often see a "high spine" as a common saddle-fitting issue ... narrow shoulder, high wither, narrow back, no withers ... but not pronounced, bony spine.
(Except in the case of my fattie, poster child of the Obese HOTD blog. Of course.)Now, the overall health of this animal appears fine, and the exhibitor was not sent home, so the horse must have been able to perform soundly. I would not be surprised if the judge made a comment to the rider.
Some may comment that a horse in this condition should not be ridden. That is an opinion that you are welcome to share. I'd like to know more before I pass such strict judgment.
I would not support a "midnight rescue operation" or anything of that nature that is often suggested by those who believe that only
their own horses have valid reasons for being imperfect.
I would not offer virtual high-fives to those who proclaim that we should
STARVE the owners and see how they like it.
Personally, I find comments that wish pain, harm and death to other humans offensive. Well, except when they are made as ignorant YouTube comments to my horseback riding videos — users claim they would like to see ME saddled,
whipped and
spurred instead of the horse — in which case I find them
highly entertaining, considering you won't see a spur or crop anywhere
near my TWH because I'd like to
live, thankyouverymuch.